
We welcome volunteers! Please consider filling one of the vacant existing positions, or please consider describing a new one for the board to consider. For example, perhaps you have ideas about how to spread awareness about our Pilgrim ancestors. In all cases, please email one of your board members in order to set your idea into motion.

Alternatively, please consider joining the next board. It will be formed in late 2023. Board members serve three-year terms. The society seeks committed, energetic candidates who would like to make a difference and help the Society achieve its core objectives.

Positions Available

Merchandise Shipping Coordinator

The Maryland Society has several items that are sold at both the Spring Dinner and Compact Dinner, as well as on our website. These items include but are not limited to, coins, t-shirts, artwork, and notecards.

·  Receive online orders from the website and ship these orders to our members.

· Keep an inventory on an Inventory Log that has been set up by the Treasurer.

· Notify the Treasurer if we are running low on items that need restocking.

· Provide a Mid-Year Report and an End of the Year Report, to the Treasurer. Templates are already prepared, data entry is required.

Recording Secretary or Corresponding Secretary

One of our board members is doing double duty.  The Maryland Society would like to build depth in this space in order to build organizational resilience.  Speak with the incumbent and see which position is most interesting to you.

(The Recording Secretary shall prepare draft minutes of all meetings and present them to the Board of Assistants for comments. After the Board has reviewed the draft minutes, the Recording Secretary shall incorporate comments, prepare final minutes, and send them to the Board for approval. He or she shall prepare abbreviated minutes for inclusion in the Mayflower Log or be reported at meetings. He or she shall be the Keeper of the Seal of the Society.)

(The Corresponding Secretary shall notify the members of the Society and the Board of Assistants of all meetings and transmit notices, electronic mail and other communications requested by the Governor or the Board of Assistants, and perform all duties of the office, including maintaining an up-to-date list of the addresses of all members. He or she shall be responsible for seeing that a new membership directory is published and distributed to the membership every three years and for sending any required reports to the General Society.)